Thursday, November 5, 2009

Bike Map

I don't have the labels, legend, title, scale bar on the there yet. The different colored roads represent the different suitability levels from the NCDOT bike map layer


  1. Looks good, so far. Maybe subjective, but I found myself wanting some more definition and boundaries. I just seems like the roads fall off into nowhere toward the edge of the frame. What about the municipal boundaries? Just a thought...

  2. So far, so good. It's a draft. Water bodies look good. Use Asheville bike data too.

  3. Color scheme looks great. Reads like one well constructed palette. May want Asheville border to contrast more with background?

  4. I agree with the above comments. I would define the city boundary a little more. It may be more defined on a printed page but its harder to see on the computer screen.

  5. I like the colors. I would bump up the contrast a hair between the city and county area.

  6. Nice colors and good info levels. I will be interested to see the final product.
